Disneyland SOLD Due To 8th Grade Field Trip Cancellation

Disneyland SOLD Due To 8th Grade Field Trip Cancellation

Tiffy W., Writer

8th graders at Day Creek Intermediate and other schools throughout the Inland Empire were supposed to visit Disneyland for their end-of-the-year graduation trip, but due to student funding issues, the trip has been changed. Instead of Disneyland, the 8th graders are now scheduled to attend Macy’s to ride the escalators.

“I don’t understand why the school can’t just pay for the trip,” said Tré Vesty. “This is literally an outrage.”

However, others clearly disagreed.  Some even expressed that this change will make the end better and more memorable.

“I don’t understand why the 8th graders aren’t happy to go [to Macy’s],” said 8th grader Lu van Pelt,”there’s even a Starbucks and riding the escalators is so much fun.  Riding the teacups or having an actual cup of coffee?!  Disneyland doesn’t even compare.”

There are many opinions about this decision and some 8th graders aren’t happy, while others seem to be just fine.

“Going to Macy’s is good because my mom never takes me to the mall,” said 8th grader Ann Onymous,”I need new socks because mine have holes in them and my mom doesn’t care about my clothing.”

Due to the sudden switch in revenue from Disneyland to Macy’s, Macy’s Inc. (the owners of Macy’s) are investigating purchasing Disneyland (but not Disney World just yet).

“We have a new logo to represent Disneyland and Macy’s, and we think it express the strengths of both businesses” said a representative from Macy’s Inc.  “Also, if Orlando adopts a similar policy as Etiwanda, we’ll try for Disney World too, but for now it’s only Disneyland,” said a representative from Macy’s Inc.