April 1 Update: COVID-19 2020-2021 School Retention Plan will hold back students for the upcoming school year
Governor Gavin Newsom announced that students K-12 must repeat the 2019-2020 school year.
April 1, 2020
*Dear readers, the following article is an April Fool’s piece written expressly for our Chives section of the Howl. This humorous collection of articles is meant solely for entertainment. For an authentic update regarding California’s schools, please see Dr. Judson’s letter here.
The following is not true:
As of April 1, 2020, schools throughout California have mandated a rerun of the current 2019-2020 school year, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced at a statewide press conference early this morning. COVID-19’s effect on the 2019-2020 school year has “significantly introduced challenges among teachers and students, K-12 that must be remedied,” said Newsom.
Predictably, the governor’s decision has raised significant controversy. However, the governor has deemed the action appropriate considering our current educational circumstances. “Because of our current situation, California K-12 schools must return August 6. All students will then be required to restart their former school year.”
Reportedly, the upcoming school year will be calendared as a typical year. Students will be reassigned new teachers and classmates, in an effort to encourage a unique experience for all involved. For Day Creek Intermediate, this translates to a new elective wheel, Homeroom teachers, etc. in a repeat of the prior year.
“In response to federal guidelines and a minimal amount of class minutes, promotions and graduations will be postponed until the following year, which will now be 2020-2021,” Governor Newsom said in response to a reporter’s question.
Limited funding for the forthcoming school year will introduce budget challenges. However, Day Creek families will receive refunds for 2020 end-of-the-year activities that were either postponed or canceled due to the ongoing spread of COVID-19.
“For parents who already sent in donations, that money that you have spent on the end-of-the-year festivities will be given back to you,” said Mr. Apodaca, principal of Day Creek Intermediate, after Newsom’s statewide announcement.
“Our school’s distance learning program will be considered void, but it’s our hope that students will still attend and enjoy these lessons before resuming our education in August, the new school year,” Mr. Apodaca informed parents through an early-morning autodial.
Officially, students may soon be considered on early summer break, however, our yearly-awaited vacation approaches with a downside. “Though this may seem like a disappointment to many, especially those graduating from high school this year, we are approaching an unpredictable situation with all our students’ best interests in mind. Further information will be shared at cde.ca.gov as the situation with COVID-19 stabilizes,” said Newsom.
Learning will remain Day Creek’s top priority while the state determines the fluidity of the situation.
“Students and parents can rest assured that Day Creek Intermediate will act based on what is best for our students. This will provide a new learning opportunity and we promise that we will maintain a positive environment through these difficult times,” said vice-principal Mrs. Tarasi.
Despite Tarasi’s optimism, students seem to have a different perspective. “Doing the school year over again is just stupid. I don’t know how they could come up with that decision,” seventh-grader April F. said.
“Although many kids may see this as a negative thing, I actually think repeating the school year will be beneficial for students who never pay attention,” said PTSO mom, Karen J. “An extra year of learning at a Blue Ribbon school is an honor.”
You should visit the governor’s press release for further information.
*Look at the first letter of each paragraph to spell out an important phrase.