Government Shuts Down For The Second Time This Year
On Thursday, February 8th, 2018, the government shut down for the second time this year. The shutdown is likely to be short-lived, as a bill to reverse the effects has already gone through the Senate. After a budget deal hit a snag in the legislation process, they were unable to fund the government in time to avoid a partial shutdown.
Senator Rand Paul stated, “There is probably a lot of blame to go around for the Republicans who are advocating for this debt, but I would say, really, primarily, this is coming from Congress. Leadership in Congress in both the House and Senate has decided to move forward. But the funny thing is you know so often in the media we hear ‘we want you to work together.’ They are working together but working together to spend a ton of money.”
Joshua B. is a 7th grade staff member of the Day Creek Howl. In his free time, he enjoys to watch TV and play video games. His favorite restaurant is Olive...