Stocking Time Or Stalking Time?
How do you know this?
December 19, 2017
Christmas- the only time parents don’t seem to care about an old man breaking into houses and stealing food. Is Christmas time really a jolly ol’ holiday or is it something far more sinister?
For example, Elf on the Shelf. Lots of people have these creatures in their homes to bring out during Christmas time. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the elves, they’re “little helpers” that are supposedly sent from Santa to keep an eye on you. While you sleep, the elves fly back to the North Pole and report you to Santa. Little snitches. Are they truly on the side of the good or do they have ulterior motives? The elf recording a child’s every move from atop a shelf could be seen as a stalker. For all we know, they could be working for WIKILEAKS!
This brings us to the lines of that popular Christmas song; Santa Claus is Coming to Town. “He sees you when you’re sleeping… He knows when you’re awake.” Maybe the elves’ boss, Mr. Santa Claus, is also a creeper! I mean, watching kids while they sleep… that’s pretty alarming.
And the Christmas movie The Polar Express. We need to talk about what’s going on in that film. A train comes to kidnap little kids and forces them to travel across the seas to meet a strange old guy surrounded by tiny people? Disturbing, if you ask me. And no one ever asks! Hmm.
We need to start questioning what’s actually going on at Christmas time. Putting up stockings? Yay! Christmas tree lighting? Cool! Baking gingerbread cookies? Fun! Adults the size of a two year old stalking children? Not so cool…