Freshman Files: Campaign Week

Ruthie and her friends celebrate Campaign Week at Rancho Cucamonga High School.

photo credited to Ruthie B.

Ruthie and her friends celebrate Campaign Week at Rancho Cucamonga High School.

Ruthie B., Editor Emeritus

It’s Campaign Week at Rancho and do you know what that means? Posters, pins, t-shirts, and tons of social media posts all with slogans encouraging us to vote for them.

There are several positions open for anyone who applied: Freshman running for Sophomore President, Vice President, or Secretary/Treasurer. Sophomores running for Junior Pres., V.P., or Sec./Tres. And finally, Juniors running for Senior Class Pres., V.P., or Sec./Tres.

The week starts off with all the students who are running for an office hanging their posters and repping their shirts.

Once all the candidates start campaigning, the school is full of backpack pins, notes on whiteboards, and students saying, “Vote for ____” at any chance they can.

Not only were campaigns on posters, but a huge part of running is through social media. Everyone running uses their Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or other social media platforms to spread the news. Students create hashtags, promotional pictures, and videos to go along with their themes. One guy even wrote an entire song to go along with his Drake campaign! Social media plays a huge role in spreading the news and earning more votes from peers.

My favorite thing about Campaign Week was seeing the creativity people used to run. Everybody had a theme to try and catch someone’s eyes. In my opinion, the best campaigns were the ones that correlated with the person’s name. There was a girl who had a basketball-themed campaign because her last name was Hooper. Awesome. I just loved seeing all the time and effort and passion the candidates put into their run.

On Thursday, when the whole school watches the Bulletin, our version of your Coyote News Network. All of the candidates made an appearance and they had a chance to introduce themselves and encourage everyone to vote for them. Some of the people were funny and made jokes while others were pretty serious.

Finally Friday came. VOTING DAY! In order to vote, you have to bring your ID card and bubble in the ballot sheet at lunch time. It’s funny to see people voting because they all go in large groups and talk about who they are going to vote for.

Once everyone has voted, the results are announced at the end of the day! All the candidates eagerly waiting to hear their names on the loudspeaker. Turns out 2 of the 3 people I voted for won!  I’m looking forward to see what the people elected will do for RCHS next school year.