Subway Will Close 500 Stores In The U.S.
Subway will close 500 stores in the U.S. in order to expand their international presence. Globally, Subway has the most stores at 26,000—12,000 more than McDonald’s. However, they need to close 500 stores in the U.S. in order to fund the expansion of their “restaurant empire.” These closings are not much of a surprise, though. Subway closed 800 stores in 2016.
“Looking out over the next decade, we anticipate having a slightly smaller, but more profitable footprint in North America and a significantly larger footprint in the rest of the world,” Subway announced.
About the Contributor
Joshua B., Writer
Joshua B. is a 7th grade staff member of the Day Creek Howl. In his free time, he enjoys to watch TV and play video games. His favorite restaurant is Olive...