Halloween Trunk or Treat 2021

On October 29th, Day Creek Intermediate celebrated Halloween through a trunk or treat.
November 1, 2021
Halloween is a scary and exciting time. Ghosts and goblins roam the streets in their costumes moving door to door for candy. Day Creek was intending to coordinate its annual Halloween bash, but then COVID-19 came along and ruined it all. And now Day Creek students are receiving candy from grabbers typically reserved for picking up trash from the ground without having to bend over. But it’s not all that bad.
The Halloween bash has always been a big part of Day Creek’s story, especially the ever-popular Haunted Maze. Yet because of Coronavirus protocols, families of Day Creek Intermediate (DCIS) will once again drive through the parking lot and in appropriately decorated cars to collect candy.
“They have certain guidelines as far as themes for the cars. I just wanted to make sure they were all school-appropriate. As far as participating, if your family is doing a car, they want you to stay within your family – safe to social distance. And as far as cars coming through (and) handing out candy, we all have to use special candy grabbers,” said Student Services Coordinator, Mrs. Kuramata.
The concept of Trunk or Treat involves families that volunteer to decorate the trunk of their cars to hand out candy. These families will set up their trunks and truck beds and distribute the goods to passers-by. Once everyone has gone through, they will clean up and pack up their decorations.
“First you put up a tarp so that no one can see into the car. Then you start slowly setting up the decorations. [My favorite part is that] you get to eat the leftover candy. [My least favorite part is] cleaning up, putting away everything, and taking down all the stuff that you put up,” said Lauren H.
There will also be a Krispy Kreme donut pick-up as well as a pumpkin-carving contest where students carve and design pumpkins in hopes of winning a prize.
“Families can enter a pumpkin carving contest for a chance to win a $25 gift card of their choice. And then we have Krispy Kreme donuts for sale,” said Mrs. Kuramamta.
Though Covid continues to cause a“unique” Halloween experience, DCIS is working hard to make this year’s Trunk or Treat an amazing school event for families and students alike.