Students of Day Creek: Carolina A.


Carolina A.

Keira S., Writer

I would be an actress because I would love to be able to change the world. I would be able to talk about my opinion and be heard. Also because being on screen and the process of becoming an actress is so fascinating to me. Being an actress is more than just memorizing and showing emotion. There are things to learn, and sometimes research to be done. It is a long process but it is a fun one. I would love to be an original movie or show, but one that is currently going on that I would like to be in is Stranger Things or one that has been discontinued would have been Criminal Minds. I would like to play Max in Stranger Things because she is tough and has completely different characteristics of who I am so it would be a challenge for me to portray a character like her. As for Criminal Minds, if I was older I would play Jenifer (JJ) because she is a character that is sometimes in the shadows and her character is very strong and she is very intelligent. I would want to just be an actress because I have no interest in directing or filming a show, that takes a lot more imagination and detail, which is something I am not interested in.I have many actress I look up to like Zendaya, John Krasinski, Emily Blunt, and many more.