Class Editor’s Note

Aryanna O., Class Editor

Ah, December: the month represented by the upcoming holidays, as well as the two weeks off of school. Some people visit family that live far away or go someplace exotic and warm in order to escape the chilly days. Others might have activities planned for the week, like going to Disneyland or hosting a small Christmas party. Finally, there are other people who sit idly on the sofa. They stare at the clock, watching the seconds tick by, or gaze blankly at the walls or ceilings.

I consider myself to be one of those potatoes, which sucks. So, I’ve taken the liberty to think up three things we could do to pass the time during the holidays. You’re welcome.

One: Finish or catch up on any projects, chores, books, shows, et cetera. There are definitely people out there who have some sort of chore they have yet to complete due to whatever reason (I know I have tons of anime to finish watching). Catch up on The Walking Dead. Finish that one Harry Potter book. Yes, I see you. You’re way behind, man. Harry Potter was so three years ago.

Two: Play games. Video games, board games, anything. If you don’t have any good video games or if you’ve beaten them all already, try finishing them again! Who knows, there might be a couple of things you’ve missed. If you don’t have any video games to play, try a board game! No board games? No problem! Make up a game to play with someone. Nobody you can play a game with? Well…moving on.  

Finally, Three: My personal favorite– Go bother someone. Anyone. Be as annoying as possible to a good friend or sibling. Sing loudly or make obnoxious noises. If someone were to ask you to do something for them, keep replying with yes, then no. Another thing to say can be “Why?” or “Would you like some fries with that?” Careful with this one! Make sure the person you’re trolling knows it’s all in good fun.

There you have it: ways to kill the time. If you’re one of those people who gets to go somewhere for the holidays? Lucky. You. Stay safe, and have a great winter break!