Should Breakout Rooms be Mandatory?
Many teachers use breakout rooms to provide social interactions between students, but are they really necessary?
January 29, 2021
Why do we even have breakout rooms? What’s the point; No one talks anyway! These, along with many other questions, have been asked by students everywhere. Every student has their own opinion on breakout rooms.
“I don’t think breakout rooms should be mandatory because some students don’t like speaking or understand the material, and forcing someone to do so would be wrong,” said 7th grade student Sophia C.
Another concern about breakout rooms is that student are unaware of why teachers assign them. “I think teachers make us do breakout rooms because they want us to interact with our classmates more and work together since we can’t do that in person at the moment,” said 7th grader Hallie F.
There are also some pretty embarrassing things that can happen in breakout rooms. “During a math class breakout room one time I thought I was muted and my mom walked in and scolded me on how I needed to clean my room!” said Sophia C.
“I wasn’t on mute when I thought I was, and I was just jamming out and singing to music. Luckily, not too many classmates were on and my teacher walked away for a sec,” said Hallie F.
There’s definitely many things that students would change about breakout rooms. “The teacher should check on us more,” said said 7th grader Summer S.
“I would set a time limit on it so kids don’t stay on too long and miss what a teacher is talking about, not to mention it may get a little awkward just staring at your fellow classmates. [Sometime] kids log off too early and then get in trouble for not doing what they were supposed to do,” said Hallie F.
There are many ups and downs to breakout rooms. Yet teachers are trying their best to make it fun and similar to a traditional class. Hopefully, we will all be back in person soon!