Coronavirus Kindness in California
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The COVID-19 has put harships on many, but this virus has also made some understand how much we need each other during this pandemic.
March 31, 2020
The coronavirus has affected and will likely continue to affect many people around the world. It is spreading rapidly and causing increasing fear, including within our own San Bernardino County. As of March 24, there have been 31 local cases. The first case was identified on March 15, which demonstrates that numbers rapidly multiply.
Despite the circumstances, many communities have grown more connected. Citizens are helping each other, going the extra mile to make sure everyone has what they need. Everyday citizens are showing kindness. Olivia Meme, a 25-year-old college student at UC Irvine Law School, decided on March 15 “to launch ‘Orange County Grocery & Supply Delivery’ to help get supplies to the elderly, immunocompromised and others in need,” said the Orange County Register.
Meme recruited over 70 volunteers, and she’s collected more than $1,000 to buy groceries for struggling citizens.
In addition, 33-year-old surfer Jonny Blue stood on a street corner on March 14 with a cardboard sign that said, “Share Your Toilet Paper.” Cars came by and dropped off rolls, sometimes even whole packages, and Blue then donated them to those in need, said the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Seven juniors at Diamond Bar High School decided to help their classmates. Using Discord, an online communication site, they formed a tutoring group for many of their peers who wanted to be prepared for finals and Advanced Placement testing.
“They now have 71 students signed up for one or two-hour courses that they’re each teaching six days a week on subjects including AP physics, calculus, English and history,” said the Orange County Register.
Restaurants are also pitching in to support their customers. The Orange County Register said, “The owners of Long Beach’s Portuguese Bend Distillery are using ingredients they have in stock to make hand sanitizer, which they give out in two-ounce bottles with every purchase of $30 dollars or more.” Galley Fish Tacos in Victorville is also offering free kids meals to children under 12 until March 30.
Katella Grill in Orange has begun to repurpose their food, seal it in bags, and distribute it to local food pantries, even though “owner Mike Learakos reported that it’s operating at a loss each day,” said the Orange County Register. Dots Cafe in Pasadena is also offering to give away a case of toilet paper to customers who buy one dozen cupcakes, said the Pasadena Star-News.
Restaurants aren’t the only businesses helping out. Disneyland is still trying to spread all the kindness they can, despite their closure. With the theme parks shuttered, Disneyland and California Adventure Park have had a lot of leftover food. Since customers aren’t available to buy their churros or their Dole Whip, Disneyland has donated all of their excess food to the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County.
“While closely following food safety guidelines, excess inventory of dairy, fruit, vegetables, packaged goods and banquet meals is being donated to Second Harvest Food Bank, whose mission is to end hunger in Orange County,” said Kyleigh Johnson, External Communications Manager of Disneyland Resort.
Furthermore, Harrah’s Resort Southern California in San Diego “donated over 8,000 pounds of produce and refrigerated items to the San Diego Food Bank, and over 800 pounds of food to the Foundry Escondido,” said CBS News 8. Also, many restaurants in our area have begun a curbside pickup program and have started to bring their food to their customers, while making sure to keep a safe distance away during delivery.
Petco launched a fund to help support their employees that are currently out of work. With a $2 million donation from sponsors and board members, they are determined to make a difference.
“This is what families do for each other, and this is our way of lending a collective helping hand to the Petco family we all love. Whether it’s now, related to the extraordinary and still undetermined effects of COVID-19, or other times of need you face down the road, this fund is intended to provide Petco partners with necessary relief and peace-of-mind when you may need it most,” said Chief Executive Officer of Petco, Ron Coughlin.
Car companies are also doing their best to help the community cope during the chaos. Due to the constant increase of COVID-19 cases, hospitals are running out of supplies. The virus affects respiratory systems, and during treatment, ventilators are needed. However, at one point, hospitals may run out of ventilators. Ford, General Motors, and Tesla have offered to make ventilators from their car parts if there is a shortage.
“A handful of the world’s biggest automakers have revved up efforts to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. General Motors, Ford and Tesla have all offered to start manufacturing ventilators in the US if there is a shortage of the medical devices,” said Robb Report.
These stories of kindness are heartwarming, but it makes people wonder: Why does it take an extreme crisis to make us realize how much we need each other? Before the coronavirus plagued the globe, few would’ve thought to start an online tutoring program or to manufacture ventilators from car parts.
It is in times of need that people come together, and it’s time we stayed united and supportive, even past this pandemic.