A Loving Mother
A loving mother fosters over 600 kids.
January 22, 2020
Linda Herring, a 75-year-old woman who lives in Johnson Country, Iowa, has fostered over 600 kids since the 1970s. She has provided these kids with food, clothes, medical care, and lots of love for over five decades. According to CNN, “Herring and her husband, Bob, began fostering in Oxford, Iowa.” Herring wanted to be with little kids, so she talked to the Department of Human Services and agreed to take kids with medical needs. She has always been known for never turning away a child, no matter their age or special needs. When talking about her foster kids Herring said, “I would just love my foster kids just like they were my own, probably more than I should.” But in October, Herring stopped fostering kids due to medical reasons. She was recently honored by the Johnson County Board of Supervisors with a resolution of appreciation.