LCAP Forums
LCAP stands for Local Community Accountability Plan. The Etiwanda School District held their LCAP forum here at DCIS.
October 24, 2019
The LCAP Community Forums meeting was held on Thursday, October third, at Day Creek Intermediate School. Parents from various Etiwanda schools attended, eager to share their ideas for funding.
LCAP is an acronym for Local Control Accountability Plan.
According to Barbie Ramirez, an attending parent, the LCAP meeting served as a great way to “see what the district is doing to help my kids and to inform other parents on what our district is doing for them and what we can do can improve our district.”
During the meeting, there were different rotations informing the audience about the district’s goals for students, so they can be provided with the materials they need to succeed.
The first goal they discussed focused on students having access to safe and relevant learning tools. This might include Chromebooks, diagnostic testing, and coaching for teachers.
The second goal was all about student outcomes, relating specifically to how students learned from the implemented curriculum. Shawn Judson, Etiwanda’s superintendent said the most important goal was “definitely goal two. Just making sure that our students have what they need to succeed academically.”
The third goal was comprised of two parts: student and parent engagement. While discussing these points, numerous parents suggested multiple parent-teacher conferences throughout the year.
The environment allowed for lots of ideas to be shared, and the door seemed wide open for anything that will make Etiwanda the best school district it can be.