Rachel’s Challenge
The Rachel’s Challenge Assembly gave students here at DCIS a goal of being kind and looking for the best in others.
September 23, 2019
When the crowd of students heard about Rachel Scott’s story and legacy, they were definitely moved. Some started crying as they shared in her memories.
Rachel was a junior at Columbine High School when she became the first victim of a campus shooting. Yet those who remember her recall her kind actions and willingness to help people in whatever circumstances they endured, especially if they needed a friend.
“I think it’s a very sad story how she died, but I do believe she was a good person and I believe that if everyone does follow her theory, the world could be a better place,” said 6th grader Aniya G.
During the assembly, the presenter of Rachel’s Challenge gave the audience a challenge: to look for the best in others, dream big, choose positive influences, speak with kindness, and start your own “chain reaction.”
“I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same,” said Rachel Scott.
The challenges are simple to fulfill. If students attempt to live out Rachel’s Challenge, the kindness seen on campus would be endless.
“I have been very excited to see acts of kindness happen, even before we had the Rachel’s Challenge assembly, where students will open the door for one another. If I saw a student whose backpack has broken open, another student would go over and pick up their books for them. I have seen students pick up trash for others. I have seen lots of acts of kindness, which is very impressive,” said Mrs. Burr.
The staff at Day Creek Intermediate believes that Rachel’s Challenge is a beneficial program that helps make the campus a place of kindness.
“I believe that teaching Rachel’s Challenge for students is effective because it helps give another perspective, another lens of what things can happen. It talks about (what) Rachel envisioned for spreading kindness around the world. It helps with character-building…that there are many things that are very kind and we can definitely be a component and supporter of that.”