2019 Fall Fundraiser
Students are excited as G-Money hands out prizes that are available for students participating in the fundraiser.
August 19, 2019
As students look at the flyer, they are excited to see each of the potential prizes that they could win. One that really attracts attention is an Apple Watch, earned just for submitting ten emails requesting donations. How are additional prizes earned?
They definitely don’t come for free. The Step It Up Kids kickoff assembly explaining how to earn prizes was hosted by Greg, best known as G-Money, on August 13. The money raised goes to Day Creek Intermediate, funding numerous causes for the school.
At the kickoff assembly, students were excited as Greg (or G-Money as he called himself) gave out free rewards just for attending the assembly. The crowd was electric, especially as G-Money began handing out a small pile of $2 bills.
The goal for each student is $200, but the cumulative prizes start as low as $60.
Most students have already participated in the fundraiser. 7th grader Gigi S. said, “(I participated in) the Golden Ticket. I received an Octopod; then I stuck it on someone’s head.”
As explained in the kickoff, students should begin with relatives and family friends (or “superfans”) for donations. Those donations (or emails requesting them) go toward earning prizes, such as the Octopod, an Apple Watch, a Google Home, and cash rewards as high as $500.
The fundraiser began on the day of the event and continues through August 27. On that final day, all students must turn in the remainder of their donations to their homeroom teacher.
Day Creek is anticipating a positive outcome from the fundraiser. “We’ve raised more than $30,000. I’d love to make the $100,000 mark. Last year, we’ve raised more than $80,000,” Mrs. Tarasai said.
The school also specific plans for the money that is raised. “We always like to spend our money on fitness, we always like to spend our money on STEM items and really a lot of technology-based things,” Tarasai said. “In particular, safety items this year and other things we can use like the MPR sound system, or even the sound system in the gym. That’s technology and P.E. together.”
Tarasai also explained why these are important for the school. “They’re good things for kids. They help us run the best events, they’re items that are very expensive, but also invest in very necessary (things) to make our school be the best place for kids, and we want to make sure we keep up with the technology,” said Tarasai.