Why Braces Are The Worst

Braces can sometimes be the absolute worse but a straight smile is worth it in the end.
February 14, 2019
People change and modify their appearance all the time. Many dye their hair or get glasses. Braces are one of many modifications kids do to themselves.
Braces are beneficial. They’ll straighten your teeth and erase some potential insecurities. Yet in reality, braces sometimes can be the absolute worst!
Imagine having tiny pieces of metal on your teeth every day for at least a year. Not only are they uncomfortable, but they’ll completely slice the insides of your mouth. The interior of your mouth looks like the Joker’s face. How pleasant!
Those tiny pieces of metal also make eating harder than usual. At first, it’s almost impossible to eat anything. If you love yogurt, you’ll be fine, but the rest of the free world will suffer. You may be thinking, that’s not so bad…
“The worst part of having braces is that they hurt all the time and there is constant pressure on my teeth and my gums. And I can’t eat sometimes because of the pain,” said Isabella T. a 7th grader on campus.
On the topic of braces and eating, eating without getting something lodged between your teeth is fictional. A person with braces could be enjoying a perfectly good hamburger but the price of having meat in between those brackets is obvious with a smile. What a lovely sight to see, all those chunks stuck between rows of metal and enamel.
“The thing I hate the most about braces is having things get stuck in the wires and then having to pick it out with my tongue or gargle water to get it out,” said 7th grader, Roven R.
Many sports players have encountered the bad experiences that come with having braces and it’s harder than people may think. Players have to be extra cautious playing their sport to avoid any force to their mouth which could result in a broken bracket.
The price of a baseball player getting their face hit with a ball can be crucial. Let’s just say their braces could easily attach to their skin and cause even worse damage.
The process of braces may be the worst, but the end result is more than likely worth it.
“Braces are worth it because they help your teeth and make you more confident,” said Ethan P., a 7th grader who has already finished the process of having braces.
Brace faces should appreciate their braces and those who more than likely paid for them; your parents.