And Then There Were Two
Twins, Alisha & Ashima, have an unbreakable bond.
October 17, 2018
Most of us here have siblings. You know, the regular brother or sister that drives you crazy. But some of us at Day Creek have something that’s a little more unique. We have a twin.
Most people think that they know what a twin is. But there is much more to it than what seems apparent. A twin provides a built-in best friend and companion. They bring that regular assurance that you can share anything with someone without a fear of judgment. A twin will always be there and has the ability to connect on a deeper level than anyone else. When we were young, our cousins would fight a lot. And we would wonder why do you fight so much more than we do? They would say things like, “Oh it’s because you guys are twins, so you don’t fight as much.” Now we realize that they were right. Having a twin is the best thing in the world, and will always provide for an adventure.
Now don’t get us wrong. We do have an older brother. But our bond is much more unique than the bond we have with him. “You guys talk to each other about everything. We’re all, like, good friends and everything, but you guys are just a lot closer, you know?” said our older brother, Sahil. While we love him, we just have a connection that’s completely one of a kind.
Yet being a twin isn’t all fun and games. One thing we absolutely hate is that people are constantly comparing us to each other. “Alisha’s exactly like you!” or “Ashima does this, why don’t you?” are common phrases we hear. But each of us is our own person. We have our distinct interests and opinions, and sometimes that’s hard for people to understand.
Another thing: while we love each other, we don’t want to be with each other 24/7. People will say things like, “Do you know where Alisha is?” This sounds like an ordinary question, right? It is until we say no. Then, they’ll respond with, “How do you not know where she is? Aren’t you her twin?” Of course, we are twins! But that doesn’t mean we know everything about each other. We don’t have twin telepathy!
As you can see, there is more to twins than meets the eye. Being a twin has its benefits and drawbacks, but it’s still incredible. Our bond is stronger and unparalleled to anything that comes our way.