Paddington 2 Movie Review

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Paddington is a great way to spend time with you family.

Ceasar C., Writer

Warning: This review will contain moderate spoilers

If you had the opportunity to watch the hilarious Paddington you were most likely hoping that the adorable, loving bear would come back in a sequel, and he did. Recently Paddington 2 arrived in local movie theaters, January 12 to be exact. As you would expect, with its extremely high rotten tomatoes critic score of 100%, the film was hilarious. The motion picture’s storyline was very well composed. The writers did an excellent job incorporating comedy into most scenes, whether they were serious or not.

In the movie, Paddington is now settled in the Browns’ home in the community of Windsor Gardens. After a while of living there, the bear has become very popular around town and most of the community members have grown to love his kind heart. He proves himself as very kind and caring when he decides to buy his Aunt Lucy something for her 100th birthday. One day, Paddington decided to stop by a antique shop near the Browns’ home and he finds the perfect thing for his aunt: an antique flip-book of London. The problem is that the book is actually priceless, but with Paddington’s sincere desire to give his aunt the perfect gift, he decides to work his little bear tail off to get it for her. After being employed for a while, he almost has enough money to buy his aunt’s gift. However, one night while taking a stroll, he spots someone stealing the book. Now it’s the Browns’ and Paddington’s responsibility to recover the book and send it to dear Aunt Lucy before her birthday.

The film is rated PG for some action and mild rude humor, but there is nothing worth worrying about if your kids would like to see this cinematic marvel. It is enjoyably hilarious.