Hiding Your True Identity
Will you change your ways to fit in to the expectations of reality?
October 10, 2017
Reading this title, you’re probably thinking about identity theft and all that creepy stuff, but no, I’m going to make life boring and write about personalities. As teens are growing up, not only do their looks change, but so does their character. Many preteens, teenagers and young adults try desperately to “fit in” with the cool kids, and they change their tastes in clothing and music, and some may even change the way they talk and look. As middle schoolers, many of us have probably gone through this experience, and some of you may even be going through this right now. I’m here to tell you exactly why you should stop.
As a seventh grader, I was pulled towards all the “trends” and “cool” music, but as the year progressed, I realized why this was wrong. Showing your true colors allows peers to like you for who you are. As a tomboy, I would go to UCLA games with my family, and I enjoyed it more than ever. I learned all about the Victory Bell, the National Championship, and so on. But, as soon as I stepped onto the DCIS campus, my true personality and interests faded, giving way to the fake trends. My love for my Punjabi culture and for European travel was pushed aside by the modern R&B and rap craze that swept through our school. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t listen to this music, I’m just reminding you to explore your true self and interests every once in a while.
Not only does creating a “fake identity” harm your way of learning, it could also affect your future. Getting too attracted to the ruinous trends of today could bump aside the things you should be learning in class. This half-distracted manner might create a domino-effect throughout your life. First, your grades could drastically fall, leading to conflict within yourself and amongst your family. Then, you may find yourself behind your peers in high-school classes because of your lack of concentration in middle school. This could lead to bad grades, which may take you to a not-so-great college, and might even leave you with a lame job at Taco Bell. And I’m pretty sure none of you want to work at Taco Bell. But if you do, hey… you do you!
Now, as an eighth grader, I have decided to embrace my Indian roots and explore European fashion. This has made me more confident and has revealed those who like me for who I really am. I urge you to to do same. Get connected with long lost family, take a DNA test and learn about your culture, explore new fashion that you love. There is so much you can do! The bubble that you’re trapped in is so easy to pop!