How To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse
January 10, 2017
Last year, a former journalism member, Tyler D., wrote an editorial on the zombie apocalypse. But what he failed to do was to explain the most important part…How to Survive. Thanks a lot, Tyler. You just killed us all.
This new and improved list will help future survivors keep the zombies at bay.
In extreme survival situations you can last only last three days without water, three minutes without air, three weeks without food. This is called the rule of threes for survival and all of these are important to ensure that.
Find Shelter:
During the zombie apocalypse, one of the most important things to have is a shelter. Around the world, doomsday preppers have prepared for the worst by digging some amazing bunkers. The similarities of all of these bunkers are that they are isolated in safe places. If you are going to make a bunker, ensure that it is in a safe spot and far away from other people who may try to ransack you, or zombies that will, well…eat you. Some bunkers are safe underground, hidden in the woods, or buried deep in the frozen desolation of Antarctica. Safety is the number one reason for a bunker, so consider this when choosing a spot. If you’re going to build a shelter, make sure you are close to home so you know your surroundings. Some cool features of bunkers are air filtration systems and solar panels. No matter how fancy, a bunker should be able to protect you and your fellow survivors. And if it never happens, at least you’ll have a place to be anti-social.
Make Supplies Your Priority:
It’s a good idea to be prepared with lots of food inside your bunker because you might not know how long you’ll be there. Also in the zombie apocalypse, there won’t be many Chipotle’s open. First and most important…water. You have two choices, stock up on a crazy amount of Costco water or have a replenishable fresh source nearby, like a river or stream. But make sure to always boil it- you can never be too careful. It would be pretty lame if you died of dysentery (a.k.a pooping until you’re dead) in the zombie apocalypse. You should also stock up on a variety of (yummy) Ramen noodles, canned food, granola, and beef jerky. It’d be wise to create a sustainable source of food, so you should get a variety of seeds to plant. I’m considering digging my bunker under a McDonald’s and holding a worker captive so I can feast to my heart’s content. Wait…that gives me an idea for my next article. Which is more dangerous, eating at a McDonald’s or being in the zombie apocalypse? But that’s besides the point. It’s going to be vital to have a first-aid kit in case anyone receives a minor injury, which is very likely.
Let’s be real, you won’t survive more than an hour in the zombie apocalypse if you don’t have something to defend yourself, and that Nerf gun from Santa won’t help. So I strongly suggest that you’d consider stocking up on as many guns, bullets, machetes, and anything else you can dream up that can put a zombie back in its grave for good. Remember that guns should be a last resort depending on the situation. In an open area where there’s only a few zombies, there’s no need for firearms. That will only attract more zombies and you and your band of survivors will become a human buffet. A machete to the head would do just fine when managing a dozen of the undead. A gun should only be used in an emergency situation.
Now that you have seen our sure-fire list on how to survive the zombie apocalypse, it’s time to tell you the most important tip… DON’T GET EATEN! You’re welcome, Tyler D.