College Prep: Too Early?
September 21, 2016
There are so many activities you can do to earn junior high glory for your future college resume. There’s CJSF, volunteering in the community, even year-long electives like leadership, journalism, broadcasting and yearbook. Are you already stressing about college? I know I am. By stressing, I mean full-on breaking into a cold-sweat. You may think it’s too early to be thinking about this, but I think it is never too early to prepare. OMG. I sound like my mom!
Going to a good college is very important…well, to most people. No college means no job. No job means no money. No money means no home. Without a home, that person can say “goodbye” to the comforts of life and “hello” to the streets of Los Angeles. No thanks.
I am constantly thinking about SAT’s and AP classes, and all sort of acronyms that have something to do with my future. I know, I know. Maybe I am pushing myself too hard. In fact, I envy those go-with-the-flow kind of people. At the same time, their carelessness makes my brain feel like it’s going to explode.
Perhaps the solution is to be right in between: a mix of hard-work and relaxation. I’ll work on that tomorrow.