I’m sure you have heard of the new game called Block Blast. It is a teen-favorite when you’re bored and have little to do, perhaps on a long, boring car ride (with no cell service) or when you’re stuck in the parking lot waiting forever for mom to pick you up when the Verizon site leaves dead zones all over campus. You heard it right, this game requires no cell service!
When the Howl first started to play the game, it automatically reminded us of Tetris, from the game’s design to how a player is scored. While Tetris and Block Blast look nearly alike, Block Blast appears to be something of an updated version.
The biggest difference between the two games is Tetris’ countdown feature. The blocks would tick while the timer would tok. This major contrast made the game more difficult to play rather than simply placing blocks on an 8 x 8 board.
While Tetris develops quick thinking, Block Blast helps with untimed strategy.
As game addiction goes, the Howl had a harder time exiting from Block Blast, while our interest in Tetris waned in a matter of minutes.
Block Blast is almost hypnotic. Once we started playing, we had a hard time stopping. That’s what makes the game so fun; you’re so invested in trying to get a higher score that you neglect your homework and risk parental confrontation. Hi Mom!
Overall, the game is a great way to kill time! If you prefer a classic game, stick with Tetris. If you’re looking for an updated version, try Block Blast. The Howl loved the game and gave it a 9/10.
Hi • Feb 19, 2025 at 2:51 pm