A Day In The Cafeteria

Lexi F. and Caiteyn M.

Do you really know what goes on behind the scenes in the Day Creek cafeteria? You may think that health standards are not followed or minimal effort is going into our lunches. In order to investigate, The Howl decided to see what it was like to be a DCIS cafeteria worker for a day.

Every day, all of Day Creek’s cafeteria staff make sure to follow a specific set of safety standards.  Between preparing meals, workers have to wash their hands for a minimum of 30 seconds and change their gloves to make sure every single piece of food is prepared to their best ability. These days in the news you may hear stories about the disgusting condition of restaurants and school’s cafeterias, but Day Creek Intermediate has one of the cleanest kitchens in the Etiwanda School District. According to Lucy and Maria, their kitchen was even given an ‘A’ rating by the San Bernardino County Health  Inspectors.

All of the cafeteria workers say a day of work is not stressful. They always love coming to work to see their fellow colleagues.

What is the best part about working in the cafeteria?

“Teamwork, We don’t just consider one job ours, all jobs are ours. So if we finish what we’re doing, we go help the next person,” said Lucy.

How do they feel about the kids?  What is the relationship between the kids and the workers?

“Honestly, I love seeing the kids when they come to my window,” said Maria.

Students may not always be appreciative of the cafeteria workers and some students are impolite to them.

“Sometimes you get some that are kind of disrespectful,” said Maria.

“They’ll just grab their tray or they’ll yell at us. They’ll say hello! if you’re not at the window,” said Lucy.

“They just think they’re funny.  It’s only a very few that are disrespectful,” said Maria.

Are there any serious hardships about having this job?

“We’re such a good crew; we work together. I can’t say there is anything really hard,” said Maria.

Working in the cafeteria with a great team is like a perfect dish.