What’s Wrong with Wearing Pajamas?

Administration has a strict policy on dress code, preventing Day Creek students from enjoying a pajama day.
January 26, 2023
Spirit days have always been a fun and exciting time for Day Creek Intermediate students. Kids show their creativity while matching the school’s enthusiastic energy of a fun school wide theme. Some even show up with face paint and crazy tutus. While these spirit days were intended for fun, the school’s dress code has succeeded in squashing the spirit of a spirit day that students really want: Pajama Day. The seemingly unnecessary rule forbidding pajamas has caused a schoolwide debate over the common fleecy fabric.
“We wanna wear what we wanna wear so it could be fun but if we can’t wear pajamas that defeats the whole purpose,” said Lilah J.
Mr. Apodaca, the principal at Day Creek Intermediate, has made the absence of pajamas a personal mission. Kids throughout campus find the dress code rule against pajamas to be unreasonable. To protest their beliefs, although it’s against school rules, students don a pair of fuzzy pajama pants, just to make sure their opinions are heard.
“I have seen other people wear pajamas, but they get dress coded. I’m frustrated with Mr. Apodaca ‘cause it’s not fair. There is nothing on them. For example, the red and black ones – there’s nothing bad about red and black. I mean, [I] still [have my] brains. I don’t think pajamas affect me at all,” said Nader I.
The purpose of pajamas was originally intended for sleep. Day Creek staff see it as a subconscious change, and believe it will sidetrack your education. Although you might not think that pajamas are affecting you or don’t get you sleepy at all, it might affect how you act without you knowing.
“What you wear and how you act affects everything, and people forget about that. When I put a suit on, I act a certain way. When I have my pajamas on, I act a certain way. My body knows [that] when I come to work, I want to be ready. Like when I go to the gym, I put a set of certain clothes on because I’m ready to do that. When I put on pajamas, it’s relax and chill time,” said Mr. Apodaca.
All around campus, a question is asked but never seems to get answered: aren’t pajamas just different fabrics? Students struggle to wrap their heads around the rule because there’s little difference between pajama fleece and casual fleece. If they do the same job and have appropriate coverage, what’s the problem?
“I feel like pajamas should be allowed because we can wear sweatpants, and it’s the same thing. But why can’t we wear pajama pants if we can wear sweatpants? Pajama pants are just patterns, pretty much. So pajama pants should be allowed. If we’re showing skin, that’s different. But if we’re not showing anything, it just covers up more. it’s just patterns and sweats,” said Lila J.
Some students on campus accept the ban but are unhappy that administration won’t consider a PJ spirit day. Though the district has banned pajamas from popping up on campus, other schools are able to have a pajama day. Yet Day Creek Intermediate can’t? Students on campus are simply asking for permission to wear cozy and fun pajamas to school, but no matter what, the dress code appears to be the speed bump restricting simple fun.
“They’re just normal clothes. It’s pretty unfair, because there’s literally no difference. There’s nothing wrong with pajamas. I think our school should be able to have a spirit day for it, because in high school you can do it, but not here,” said Anthony A.
Yet maybe the dress code has a point. As trends come and go, some pieces of clothing also make a mainstream appearance. Years ago, few teens would ever consider wearing them outside. But ever since Covid made school turn virtual, there’s been a lack of remembrance that pajamas belong at home.
“It’s a cultural thing. If you go back twenty years, no one wore their pajamas outside because they are your pajamas. They’re what you wear to bed. I think kids forget [that they’re] coming to a place of school. [They’re] not going to a party, [they’re] not going to a sleepover, [they’re] going to school. Every place [anyone] will ever work will have a dress code,” said Mr. Apodaca.
Others understand why the ban exists – students note that it’s better to look presentable at school, especially in front of teachers. Some comment that wearing pajamas to school makes students look unprepared.
“I don’t think it’s unfair [for pajamas to be against the dress-code]. Students should look ready for school. They shouldn’t come to school looking like they just got out of bed. It’s just like: what if the superintendent comes to school and they just see all these kids in pajamas,” said Derek C.
Staff members throughout the Day Creek campus are split when it comes to pajamas. While some teachers see pajamas as a standard article of clothing, they still have to enforce the rules.
“It’s in the dress code. To me, whatever’s on [the dress code], we have to enforce. And at the end of the day, believe me, none of us like walking around campus correcting kids on what they’re wearing,” said Mr. Apodaca.
Some instructors believe that pajamas don’t distract from the learning environment. As long as students are engaging and learning, that’s all that is important at the end of the day. Instead of chastising students for wearing what they choose, learning should be the top priority.
“I don’t really care [about the pajamas]. As long as they come to school, that’s all I care about. I don’t worry about rules that don’t distract my class,” said Mr. Horton.
Other staff would concur that pajamas are bothersome and impractical. They’re simply made for the purpose of rest. Showing up for school in sleep attire doesn’t sit right with the staff. Yet, pajamas are just sweatpants made from fleece. So what’s the problem?
“I don’t really see an issue, but I also don’t see a reason to fight it because you should just do what you’re supposed to do,” said Mrs. Kuramata.
The leadership elective intended to provide students the experience they’d request by trying to introduce a positive theme. Yet once again it was turned down. Fleece is a common fabric, so is there even an argument to be debated?
“We have asked him if we could incorporate [pajamas] in some way, but he’s very strict to the dress code as our principal, which is respectable. But also we wish we had a little bit of leniency,” said Abigail B.
It’s all a matter of perspective. The dress code continues to cause debate that fails to identify a win-win. For now, it seems as though Day Creek will maintain its enforcement of the pajamas ban.
“What you consider pajamas, what I consider pajamas, might be different. So there is not going to be [agreed upon]. You might wear sweatpants; somebody else might come in short shorts. Everyone’s pajamas are different, so is it school appropriate or not? I don’t think there’s a way that they can determine what it is,” said Mrs. Kuramata.
Wearing pajamas on campus would make for an enjoyable day, but due to district board policy’s push back in response, it doesn’t look like there will be one anytime soon.