The Dangers of the One Chip Challenge

The One Chip Challenge is supposed to be harmless, but the spiciest pepper ever may bring about a trip to the hospital.

The One Chip Challenge is supposed to be harmless, but the spiciest pepper ever may bring about a trip to the hospital.

Troy S., Writer

`The One Chip Challenge is currently a viral trend on TikTok and Youtube. The challenge is to eat the single spicy tortilla chip inside the oversized box and attempt to last as long as possible without any beverages to ease the fiery pain. Many who’ve tried it say that it is one of the spiciest things that they have ever eaten and regret ever trying it. It’s known to contain one of the hottest peppers, the Carolina reaper, measuring at 2.2 million SHU on the official Scoville scale, used to measure the heat of chili. Compared to a Hot Cheeto, coming in at 50,000 SHU, the Carolina Reaper is at least 40 times spicier. People who have attempted this challenge reported facing symptoms such as nausea, throat pain, and severe stomach aches. The burning side effects are described to last at least 10 minutes after contact. In fact, the spice on this chip is so hot, that if a person managed to rub their eye with the spice, they could temporarily go blind and need hospital treatment. According to (*&P)(&*)(P*Y, one doctor reported at least 39 calls related to the challenge, 34 involving children under16. This viral challenge has also come to the attention of schools. Some districts have sent out warnings to students’ parents. “Just because something is available, doesn’t make it safe,” said Dr. Travis Olives.