Trump to Act Upon Threat to Close the U.S Mexico Border

Kryster L.

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White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, defends Trump’s plan.

On Friday, President Donald Trump had threatened to close the U.S Mexican Border in order to “fix the problem of immigration”, according to Politico. After recently addressing that financial aid will be cut off to three Central American countries, Trump pressed further that “if Mexico did not stop undocumented immigrants from coming into the United States”, he would act upon his plan to close the border this week. The Trump Administration continues to defend the plan in closing the border, reports The NY Times.

“Democrats didn’t believe us a month ago, two months ago when we said what was happening at the border was a crisis, a humanitarian crisis, a security crisis,” Mick Mulvaney said (on ABC News’s “This Week.”). “We need the people from the ports of entry to go out and patrol in the desert, where we don’t have any wall.”