Mississippi Climate Change


Families are left without a home and have few supplies. Rescue teams have to look through the rubble for survivors.

Troy S., Writer

This year, areas in the Mississippi Basin experienced droughts and numerous heat waves from climate change. If not droughts, other areas have dealt with massive amounts of heavy rain that led to severe flooding. This left homes devastated and families in need of support. This has also led to a fast rise in sea levels and an increase in tropical storms. The danger that climate change can put citizens in is high, therefore acting now is necessary. Homes near the coast have not been built to face hurricane-like conditions and surges of ocean water coming through the land. Citizens who live on the coast of the river have been asked by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to sell and remove their houses for an additional $31,000. Homeowners believe that the price is not enough of a reason for them to pack up and start over. Instead, they take their chances with the river. People who remain at the coast ask: How can we make it through more to come? Is there a way to stop it? A recent flood in 2019 damaged one of the levees at the western border of Atchison County. This left several breaches in the levee that spread across the field, causing the crops to be destroyed. The county has therefore decided that rebuilding the levee will not be necessary, instead they will leave the floodland as it is to make room for the water. It seems that levees and berms will not be enough to keep this flooding out. With the impact that climate change does to the Mississippi coastal region community, people have begun to prepare for the unpredicted events in these upcoming years.