Advice To 8th Graders Stressing On Finals
May 14, 2018
I know that there are some people who do not care what score they get on the finals tests. And I also know for sure that there are people who are desperately studying the night before the test. Well, this article is here to give you guys some advice on what to do if you are very stressed.
Attempt to get a good night’s sleep and have a good breakfast. This probably sounds very cliché because your teachers will not stop telling you to do this, but it is for your own good and you should listen. In order to perform at a high level, you should try to at least get 8 hours of sleep and DO NOT try to study. If you are going to study, please do not procrastinate and do it in the afternoon so you are not up till 11. Also, try to have a hearty breakfast and not just a banana on the go.
Although this test is very important, the teachers emphasize the value of it a little bit too much. You should try your best and everything, but you should not stress about it too much and prepare for hours by looking up practice tests. This assessment will not make or break you. High schools will use your 7th grade scores to place you, and not your finals scores.
Instead, you should relax before taking the finals. Research proves that deep muscle relaxation helps score higher on tests. According to a study conducted by East Texas Baptist University, the research concluded that there are better results when a students relaxes before the test.