8 Life Hacks For School
Check out these eight amazing life hacks to help you out during this school year.
September 15, 2017
School can be so much fun! Sometimes. Rarely. OK, it can be kind of boring, and hard, and sleep inducing… anyway you get the idea. But don’t worry! The Day Creek Howl has got your back. These hacks will blow your mind and might actually be helpful! Without further ado, here they are:
- Do you have trouble trying to get your earbud cord out of your Chromebook? Well then, this one is for you. Instead of trying to pull by the cord, or trying to get a grip on the plug (or your feelings, because you are probably upset at this point) just wrap the cord around your fingers two to three times. Then, grab the end of the wire closest to the plug and pull.
- If you ever find yourself in sticky situations, sometimes literally, then all your problems will be solved once you pack your emergency bag! Inside, you can put band aids, deodorant, body spray, lip gloss, tissues, floss, hand sanitizer and any other things you might need. Then place this in your backpack and you are good to go. Oh, and don’t forget mini hand wipes for any sticky situation.
- Are you ever in class and your teacher tells you to quickly pull out your science notebook? All of a sudden, she starts telling you what to write so fast she’s practically speaking gibberish, and all of your notebooks look the same from the top. No, just me? Simply use different colored markers to color the tops of your notebook.
- If you have a big project and you procrastinate because you don’t want to do it, don’t wait till the last minute! Split it up over time so you only have to do little bit every day.
- This is another project hack. Say you don’t have anyone to proofread your writing, and you’re too lazy to do it yourself (that’s me once in awhile). Well, don’t worry! Just copy it and paste it on Google Translate, and have it read it to you. A word of warning…make sure you set it to English!
- If you can’t figure out whether to use effect or affect, just use the word “impact.” I guarantee that 99.999% of the time you will get it right.
- When you wake up in the morning, you may feel tired no matter how much you have slept. This could be because you are dehydrated. Drink some water and it’ll wake you right up. Just be sure to grab a glass, not the cup that you put your gross toothbrush in.
- Finally if you are having trouble in school, I have a revolutionary idea that will change the way you think…STUDY!
Well, that’s it folks! Eight wonderful tips to improve your life.