Conspiracy Theories

Savanna A. and Carly F.

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Area 51 Aliens– They’re lying to us! I know aliens exist; the government is just keeping them away from us! Whoa there, settle down, scientists do hypothesize that other planets out there may sustain life. .


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Apocalypse– Brains! Zombies, robots, natural disasters, who knows? Humans might even be the ones to screw themselves over. We all probably expect it to be something like the Walking Dead. But not to worry, these things won’t happen until the far, far future. Or will they happen at all?


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Bermuda Triangle– Ever heard the stories of planes that flew over the ocean and never came back? Well, most people think it is the Bermuda Triangle. Also known as the Devil’s Triangle, it is a region in the North Atlantic Ocean where planes and aircraft get lost and are rumored never to come back. So, next time you fly over the ocean, watch out for the Bermuda triangle!


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Lochness Monster– It’s a fish! It’s a boat! It’s the Lochness Monster! Also, known as Nessie, this creature is supposed to be found in the Lake of Loch Ness in Scotland. Scientists say that this body of water is too cold to be able to sustain the monster. There have been many claimed sightings going back to 1960.


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Illuminati Confirmed?– Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-NING! 13,13,13! It’s a triangle, it must mean Illuminati! We all know the word, but do we know what it is? Illuminati is rumored to be a secret society that is connected to a branch of 13 families that are people who are supposed to sell their soul to the devil. Pretty dark, right?


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Did the Titanic really sink?– “Never let go!” As a lot of us have never “let go” of the memory of the Titanic sinking. Some people say that it was really the Olympic that actually went out. When the Titanic was built it had 14 evenly placed portholes, but when it left on April 10, 1912 it had 16 portholes placed unevenly.  Don’t believe me?  Check out


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We Are Ruled by Lizard People From the Fourth Dimension– Why can lizards do pushups? According to this conspiracy theory, society is controlled by humanoid reptiles. Sure, these might not exactly sound entirely possible, but you might be looking at a Reptilian if they have green, hazel and, maybe blue eyes. If this person doesn’t express empathy, has a love for science and space and is quite smart, you are probably looking at a Reptilian.


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Moon Landings Fake?– “One small step for man. One giant leap for…” Hollywood? Some theories say that America was so desperate to beat the Russians to the moon that they faked the lunar landings. It apparently took place in the Hollywood Hill or deep in Area 51. The technology did exist back then to create this moment, so it’s entirely possible.


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The Mandela Effect– “I swear it was the Berenstein Bears!” Yeah, that’s what a lot of people thought as well. This is an results of the Mandela Effect. This effect is when a large group of people think something is a certain way, but in reality it isn’t. The Mandela Effect is a theory that we are all in a parallel universe causing us to have completely different memories from what they actually are.


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Elvis is still alive?– Thank you, Thank you very much *read in Elvis Presley’s voice.* It is rumored that Mr. Presley himself is still alive and kicking. Recently, people have been claiming to have footage of him walking around living his daily life. Nobody knows if this is true or not, but next time you’re on the town, watch out for the 60’s rockstar!