Top Ten Things That Would Improve School
January 16, 2017
Whether you like it or not, school is a huge part of our daily lives. After all, this news site wouldn’t exist without the school to support it. In every school, there are things that probably each student thinks, like: “I could make this place a little bit more awesome.” These are the ideas which come out of the dreamers and may not happen, but they are fun to talk about. Let’s get started!
- Pokéstops
Ever since the huge trend known as Pokémon Go hit hard in early July, kids (and adults…don´t deny it) of all ages “caught them all” worldwide. Why not include this at school?
- Vending machines
Ah, the vending machine. The lovely metal mechanism which eats dollars and poops drinks of all shapes and sizes. Need a mid-morning snack? Well, it could be easy as pie (or chips and a soda) to fulfill that hunger. Yes, we all know it isn´t good for us, but have you seen our lunch bags?
- More phone access
Usually in middle school, phones are unacceptable to have outside of our pockets or backpacks. In most students’ opinion, we need to have more phone access during school. Phones can be used for educational purposes: for platforms such as Kahoot or messaging teachers who aren’t available to talk with.
- Going out for lunch
What would make lunch better? Bringing in delicious food from outside school, that’s what. One or two times each month would suffice, and local restaurants such as In-N-Out or Chick-Fil-A would be happy to cater to us.
- Three days a week
Sometimes 5 days a week just seems too long to sit in a classroom, working hard. How about reducing our work time to three days a week? More vacation, more happy students! Happy students equals higher grades and test scores!
- Buses replaced w/limos
It may be pricey, but riding in luxury is a topic on every bus passenger’s mind. Being in a limo, sippin’ your drink from In-N-Out on a slow ride to school, would make you the envy of students everywhere!
- Unlimited access to field
When I (and probably most middle schoolers) was in elementary school, we could head down to our gigantic field during recess. If this applied to middle school, we could all play soccer, football, or maybe bring some Frisbees and play some of DCIS’s original PE games, such as Braveheart or No Man’s Land. Sounds like fun!
- Food trucks
I know I mentioned lunch earlier in this list, but another option could be food trucks. They can basically serve any food from falafel to tacos to spaghetti to salads to… okay, you get the idea. Lots and lots of choices. Perfect for middle school lunches? Yeah!
- Movie theater
This would be awesome to have for movies (duh), rainy days (such as early January 2017) and for the enjoyment of popcorn…mmm!
- Water slides
Even though we are in a severe drought (at least we were until this week), what about a water slide or two to cool off under the sun once the weather gets hot? This is Southern California, after all…
So, what did you think? Is there anything I missed? Let us know at: [email protected].