What do you like about Day Creek?
According to USnews.com, Day Creek Intermediate is one of the top schools in California. Ranked #73 out of 7060 across the state, DCIS is a second home to kids throughout Rancho Cucamonga. But what specifically do the students like about Day Creek?

“I would say that the education [at Day Creek] is very effective and the people here have definitely made a community for me. The teachers here understand what they’re doing and they know how to interact with the students,” said Esperanza G.
A good teacher makes all the difference. Some schools get a reputation because students are numbers and teachers don’t seem to care. That’s not true here. It’s easy to find a student who’s quick to compliment their teacher.
“I like the way Ms. Gonzales doesn’t yell at kids; she’ll just sternly talk to you. Ms. Gonzales will never yell at you. She’ll just tell you what needs to happen,” said Shelby P.

Other schools may have decent P.E. programs, but few compare to Day Creek. At P.E., the teachers work hard to come up with unique activities to keep things exciting while students still get their exercise.
“[P.E.] is fun. I love P.E. We do a lot of tournaments and games, like Sink It and Cart Racing. Sometimes it’s choices like basketball. I love all the P.E. teachers. They are all pretty funny. They’re very fun and sometimes serious, but that’s what P.E. teachers are supposed to do,” said Farid F.
Each of our P.E. teachers always aim to bring a smile to the students’ faces.
At the same time, P.E. also involves friendships, something that students at Day Creek point to in defining their favorite period of their day.
“I like P.E. [at Day Creek] because I get to hang out with two friends and play basketball. And you get to exercise, so it’s pretty fun,” said Varun V.

Day Creek also has extra activities, like intramural sports, which highlight the talents of each student.
“I like all the programs that [Day Creek] has: drama, intramural sports, stuff like that. The [programs] allow kids with different interests to branch out and meet new people with the same interests,” said Ashlyn M.
What starts as a common hobby or sport often leads to authentic friendship.

“What I love about Day Creek is the fact that everyone is so friendly and kind, that includes the staff, all the great teams, and the students. It’s also a great place to work. You’re just happy to be here. Everyone works well together, and the kids are great,” said Mrs. Saed.
The chemistry between everyone here at Day Creek is comfortable. Students are all friendly to each other and administrators are easy talk to.

“I love the kids and the staff,” said Mr. Zajicek. “They like to work really hard and be successful, but they also like to have fun.”
There are different reasons why the students and staff like Day Creek, but they all seemed to have something in common: the people, whether it’s good friends, kind colleagues, or talented students. You come to school for education, but Day Creek gives more than that, it gives life lessons and fond memories.