The student news site of Day Creek Intermediate School

6th Grade Survivor Ball

December 21, 2019

Tommy T.

For the first time, 6th graders experienced the annual Survivor Ball tournament.

6th graders chatter loudly in the halls as they walk towards the gym. This was going to be their first time experiencing the Survivor Ball tournament. Many appeared confident, while others were a nervous wreck. Everyone all wanted the same thing: to be the champions.

In the boy’s semifinals, The Beans competed against Milk & Cookies, and the Bro Squad played the Upper Classmen. The Beans vs. the Milk & Cookies was a pretty simple game. The beginning was mostly dodging and stalling, but near the end of the game the Beans started attacking offensively and hit most of the Milk & Cookies. The Milk & Cookies started to attack too, but they were too slow for The Beans. When The Beans hit the last Milk & Cookie, the crowd erupted in cheers. Now it was the Bro Squad vs. the Upper Classmen. The game was mostly neck and neck until players from the Bro Squad realized that the Upper Classmen throws were somewhat weak. They started catching some of the throws, and eventually eliminated everyone from the Upper Classmen. Nice strategy!

After many long games of throwing and dodging, The Beans and the Bro Squad were up. By the middle of the game, the Beans eventually cut down the players in the Bro Squad, until there was only one Bro left. Although the one Bro tried hard, he was soon hit, securing the win for the Beans.

In the girl’s tourney, the Dolls & Balls were up against the S.T.A’s (Save the Animals), and the Red Dragons faced the Turquois Turtles. The Dolls & Balls vs. the STA’s was a very close game. They had the same number of players at the beginning and middle, but near the end, the S.T.A.’s tried their best and made strong, quick throws. The Dolls & Balls couldn’t react quickly enough and eventually started losing players. When the last Dolls & Balls player was out, the S.T.A’s celebrated like they were on the top of the world. 

The Red Dragons vs. the Turquois Turtles was a typical match. Both teams caught, threw and dodged. But the Turquois Turtles moved quicker. They dodged most of the Red Dragons’ throws and threw back at them. In the end, the Turquoise Turtles beat the Red Dragons.

The S.T.A’s vs. the Turquois Turtles was a thrilling game. The Turquois Turtles had a small lead, but that didn’t stop the S.TA’s. The S.T.A’s made a quick comeback and eventually beat the Turquois Turtles. Both teams believed in themselves and wanted to win badly, but there can only be one champion.

Kennedy E., an S.T.A, said, “We thought this would be impossible to do (win), but we just believed in ourselves (and) had faith in out other teammates, and we won!”

This was just their first year of Survivor Ball. Who knows what would happen next year?



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