After many months of works, scientists have developed a vaccine for the COVID-19 pandemic.
For most of 2020-2021, people have been in quarantine because of the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, the vaccine for COVID-19 has been released in different parts of the world. However, as people have taken the new vaccine, some side effects have begun to be reported. Side effects and allergic reactions are common after taking the shot. While most of the side effects are minimal, there have been some disconcerting reports. In the midst of all these new developments, a question has been asked. How does this affect students?
As schools begin to reopen, students will have the opportunity to transition to in-person classes. In order to do so, they may have to take the vaccine. However, if side effects are serious, then the students may continue to be unable to attend school.
Side effects of the vaccine vary. Examples include flu-like symptoms and pain in the area of the shot have been recorded. There have also been allergic reactions, fatigue, and headaches. Some other more serious side effects that have included half-face paralysis. However, the vaccine still proves to be 70-90% effective against COVID.
Why should students be concerned about this? The safety of the vaccine directly impacts the safety of students and faculty. If the vaccine is safe, students will likely be able to return to school. However, if the vaccine doesn’t work, there is a chance that the virus would still spread, and virtual learning may continue.
Some schools are requiring the vaccine to return to school. However, other schools are only requiring students to be tested for COVID before returning. Due to limited supply, many counties believe that students under the age of 16 should be last to take the vaccine.
Students have different opinions on whether or not they would take the vaccine. In a poll done at Day Creek Intermediate School, nearly 50% of students said they would not take the vaccine if it were made available. Their reasoning included, “The vaccine isn’t fully tested, and not safe yet. It would be better to take it when it is safe.”
During the same poll, students were also asked if they should be required to take the vaccine before returning to school. 72% of the students agreed that it would be best for this to be a requirement, since it would slow the spread of the virus.
The pandemic has caused a lot of panic amongst students who agree that the virus is dangerous. There are untold risks to any new vaccine, which is why additional research is being done. When the vaccine is fully studied and proven to be safe, students will likely return to school and the pandemic will come to an end.