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September 11, 2001, was one of the deadliest days in US history.
Each year, during Physical Education at Day Creek Intermediate, all students learn about 9/11. This year, Mr. Ornelas, one of the P.E. teachers, presented several 9/11 videos.
Students learned that on September 11, 2001, over 3,000 people died when nine terrorists from the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda boarded four planes. At the World Trade Center, 2,606 people died when one of the planes crashed into the buildings. At the Pentagon, 184 people died including the passengers and the hijackers when another plane crashed into the first floor. The lives of 44 passengers were lost when United Flight 93 crashed in rural Pennsylvania. However, it never reached its intended target because its crew and passengers fought back against the hijackers. The number of people who died could have been significantly higher if not for the bravery of those on board.
Todd Beamer, a man on Flight 93, was a hero that day. He called Lisa Jefferson, a GTE operator, and informed her about a potential bomb on the plane as well as the hijackers’ tactics.
Before the plane was about to crash in Pittsburgh, he and a group of men did their best to stop the hijackers. “Are you guys ready? Okay. Let’s roll,” were Beamer’s final words.