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Today marks the one year anniversary of the Parkland Shooting.
In Parkland, Florida, ex-student, Nikolas Cruz “killed at least 17 people and wounded several students” in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. It occured on February 14, 2018, which marks the one year anniversary today. According to Vox, it “inspired a wave of activism, leading to the March for Our Lives in Washington, DC, and new activism for gun control around the 2018 midterm elections. Congress has not taken any ‘significant’ steps to address gun violence.”
“One year ago today, a horrific act of violence took the lives of 14 students and 3 educators in Parkland, Florida. On this somber anniversary, we honor their memory and recommit to ensuring the safety of all Americans, especially our Nation’s children,” Trump said in a statement.
Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas “will hold a “non academic” day devoted to commemoration that marks the anniversary. Classes at the highschool will end before 2:20 local time, during the moment the massacre had began a year ago.”
“Although we mourn from the lives that we’ve lost through a horrific act of hate and anger, I believe that we must also celebrate the possibilities of what can be through love and support,” superintendent Robert Runcie, said outside the school on Thursday.