A common problem with social media is the sharing of inappropriate pictures. Some children don’t know that once they post a picture on social media, it can be viewed by anyone. Sometimes, those pictures can get into the wrong hands. Taking inappropriate pictures and posting them on the internet might not be safe. The next time that someone posts or shares, know that anyone can view the picture without permission.
Social media is a growing problem at schools today. According to Google, 59% of kids under 12 interact with social media every day. Imagine how many more teenagers use social media. Some of the top websites that are used include Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook, all of which are not allowed at school. Kids who post on social media don’t know the dangers that they could get into. Viewers on the other side of a screen could use fake profiles or hack into a user’s account. In addition, those who have social media could be bullied or emotionally hurt. Some users don’t understand that being mean online has the potential to do damage. When asked why social media websites are blocked, Ms. Lyon, the principal of Day Creek Intermediate said, “Social media tends to be a really big platform for some of the bullying that happens.”
Social media has the potential to be damaging for kids and teens. “Social media websites are primarily blocked by the district. It’s district wide. It’s not just Day Creek, it’s the whole district…and I think that social media is mostly blocked for the protection of our students. [The media is also] distracting you guys for what you should be doing, learning-wise,” said Ms. Lyon. Although many students may disagree, the district believes that social media is unnecessary at school.