Image credited to Crystal M.
New quotes have been added to Day Creek’s girl’s bathrooms.
Your mom just yelled at you for waking up late, and when you get to school, your friends ignore you. You’re feeling pretty miserable, so you go to the girls’ bathroom to hide out for a few minutes. Once inside, you look in the mirror, and are surprised to see a sticker above you that reads “BeYOUtiful.” Puzzled, you look all around, and find more encouraging stickers surrounding you. Courtesy of Mrs. Neighbor’s time and our PTSO’s money, Day Creek girls’ bathrooms now have inspiring quotes placed on the stalls and mirrors.
These new quotes have been placed throughout the bathroom, in an attempt to spread positive vibes around the school. “My hope is that when the kids use the restroom, they will see these quotes and words of encouragement and reminders to be a good person, and they will go out into campus with that in mind,” stated Mrs. Neighbor.
“Have courage and be kind” “believe in yourself” and “do what is right” are just a few examples of the inspirational stickers.
“It is something to remind girls that it’s okay to be different and to know their self-worth, and that everyone has beauty in their own way. It doesn’t have to be exactly like the celebrities and the models,” said Mrs. Kelley, Day Creek’s assistant principal. Many girls feel that they have to look like the front-page models on magazines, but everyone is special in their own way.
The stickers have already started to gain popularity.
“I think they’re really cute, and they obviously spruce up the bathrooms a little, but also they’re a positive thing,” said Paris H.
While the stickers are there to brighten up people’s day, or be a reminder to be kind, there are bound to be people who will disagree with them.
“They were kind of unexpected and random,” said Demiana G.
“When I’m going to the bathroom, I’m not really thinking about being courageous to others. I feel like, honestly, I just feel awkward looking at a door while I’m going to the bathroom that says ‘Be your best self’ while I’m just more worried about cleaning out myself,” commented Sol A.
However, Mrs. Kelley had something else to say. “Sometimes just those little things can help, and if it helps one person, then it was worth it in the first place.”
So, a special thanks again to Mrs. Neighbor and PTSO for working to bring some reassurance to our campus by creating these supportive stickers. Your time and dedication to helping make the school a better place is appreciated.