Image Credited Madilyn S.
What if you had to give up your sight?
My sight? What would I do about it? I’d probably get a dog. Like one of those service dogs. Yes, I do have a dog, it’s a german shepherd. My life would probably be a lot different because I would lose one of my senses like I wouldn’t be able to see things like the normal stuff and I wouldn’t be able to watch the silent parts of movies where they don’t talk and there’s just a bunch of creepy noises. Okay, so it’s pretty bad to lose your sight, but if you lose your sight, it’s not the end of the world. There’s another thing that you can do to help you. Like for reading, there’s brail, and walking around like I said a service animal. There are some good things that can happen, like using your other senses more, my hearing [is what I would use the most].