An interview with Mr. Ornelas
Do you really know Mr. Ornelas? He has had many jobs including being a construction worker, a security guard for the Rose Bowl, an electrician, and a volleyball, basketball, and track coach for girls.
When Mr. O was young, his mother told him to try teaching, so he began substituting for awhile. Soon afterward, he went back to school to get his teaching credential. He began teaching 8th grade math and science at Etiwanda Intermediate School for about 5 years.
“Once I started teaching, I thought it was pretty cool,” said Mr. Ornelas.
Soon after, a position opened at Summit Intermediate School for a P.E. teacher, so he decided to switch subject matter.
What does he enjoy the least? Yelling at kids. But if they are doing something that might hurt other people, he has to put on his “big boy voice.”
What does he enjoy the most? “Contrary to popular belief, [I enjoy the] kids because you come rolling in and you guys are just fun to be around. I have responsibilities, but I get to joke around with you guys. It’s just fun. All four of us (Mrs. Rose, Mr. Henry, and Mr. Nemecek) have the best job in the world.
It is clear that Mr. O thoroughly enjoys what he does.
“My wife asks me everyday after work how my day was, and no matter how bad it was, it was just another day in paradise because the kids are cool and the people I work with are cool.”