Image credited to Tori D.
New changes come to Baskin Robbins.
Baskin-Robbins recently made changes to a few of their flavors. To find out the “scoop” on this classic ice cream parlor, I decided to “float” on over to Baskin-Robbins in Rancho Cucamonga. A couple of months ago, Baskin-Robbins added a small sign that read, “This year, you may notice your favorite flavor looks a little different. Baskin-Robbins is removing artificial dyes from many of our products to deliver the best flavors.”
I went to Baskin-Robbins the day before school started. To put it in the kindest way possible, if you like chocolate and toothpaste together, you will love the Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. Instead of the usual color that everyone knows and loves, it was an off-white color with the slightest bit of green tint.
I returned a few weeks later with the intent to sample the flavors that have changed so far. I noticed that Mint Chocolate Chip had returned to its original color. I sampled the flavor and it tasted as it did before my last trip. Something was making me a bit skeptical. Questions were running through my head such as, “How does it taste so much better than before? Why does it not taste like toothpaste? Did they mix the new Mint Chocolate Chip and old Mint Chocolate Chip together?” It finally hit me. People must have been complaining about the new taste of this classic product. After a couple of attempts of trying to get the manager to acknowledge any complaints, he explained that the flavors and taste stayed the same and that the only change involved a drop in calories.
Flavors that have been changed so far are few, but they include Cotton Candy, Pistachio Almond, and after this long rant you’ve already figured it out…Mint Chocolate Chip. All of the flavors tasted as they once had, but the calories were definitely fewer. The manager informed me that they will be making this change to more flavors in the future. While most of Baskin-Robbins’ flavors are still the same, don’t be surprised if they make a change to your favorite flavor in the months to come.