Superman’s Lost Socks

Image credited to Eve H.

Superman… um… you lost your really cool socks. Can you please retrieve them?

Isabelle P., Writer

Dear Superman, A.K.A. Metropolis Marvel, A.K.A. Blue Cheese (whichever you prefer),

We know you have a lot to do, so we’ll cut right to the chase. We found your socks in our Lost and Found. How they got there, well… let’s just say some people idolize you a little too much. Think crazed Elvis fan except more obsessed, and with your feet. We won’t name any names but… you might want to delete your account on Facebook.

Anyway, if you want your socks back, email us immediately at [email protected]. Or visit Day Creek Intermediate and ask the nearest student for directions to the lost and found. They’ll probably ask for your autograph and then swoon, but eventually someone will help you. We’ll be waiting!


The Day Creek Howl