Image credited to Arul L.
“Goodnight mom, goodnight dad,” you say to your parents as you are about to drift off into a comfortable sleep. Suddenly, you hear a slight ding. You open your messages to see your best friend asking you if you studied for the test. “What are you talking about?” you respond. “The social studies final, there’s like 20 dates and names,” you remember in an instant. “OMG! I COMPLETELY FORGOT!!”
Ah, the dreaded topic of studying. What can help you remember all of the dates and equations? Perhaps colors? Exercise? What you eat beforehand?
Scientific studies prove that color does affect memory. Writing in colored lead pencils (which actually do exist!) is basically the equivalent of highlighting. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Scientists reports that “Colour helps us in memorizing certain information by increasing our attentional level.” Colors are easier to process and reminisce, so by writing with color, the brain remembers the information. These colors affect the mind’s sensory memory, the way we comprehend information through our senses.
When you walk to PE and realize its pacer day, do you groan? This is because your memory is affected by exercise. The science here is easier to understand. When moving, your body goes through a chemical reaction and repeatedly stimulates your nerve cells. These nerve cells release proteins that expand your learning capacity, affecting your long-term and sensory memory. This means that to remember those difficult names and dates, all you need to do is start jogging in place while you read!
What you eat or drink can also impact memory. Drinking green tea can positively affect how you think. A study conducted by the University of Singapore showed that consuming tea strengthens the connection between the frontal and parietal cortex. If you are not very fond of green tea, you can include special ingredients to make it taste better. Honey, peppermint, and lemon are great tasting foods that can be added to your tea.
So, next time you procrastinate (because we all do it) and end up stressed out, make sure to remember these memory life hacks, and you just might end up with that A+.