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Careful! These challenges have caused major injuries and even deaths.
Do you guys remember the ALS water bucket fundraiser and planking? There are a great number of challenges that are fads that students do, yet some of them are harmful. Those who choose to participate in these dangerous acts can be left with permanent injuries.
The Eraser Challenge
The challenge is to rub your skin hard and fast with an eraser while saying the alphabet. Once finished, players compare their skin to their opponents, and the one with the most injured skin wins. It might sound like a somewhat harmless challenge, but it can cause serious burns and scars and even risks severe skin infections. Yep, pretty stupid.
The Cinnamon Challenge
Who likes choking on cinnamon? This challenge requires you to swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon without drinking anything to relieve the pain. The chance of choking is so high that it may damage your lungs. Many people have had difficulty breathing and sore lungs long after this challenge. Four-year old Matthew Rader died from inhaling cinnamon powder and his mother shares his story as a warning for people who don’t have the common sense to figure it out on their own.
The Chubby Bunny Challenge
The name of this challenge seems harmless. When somebody says chubby bunny, most people think of a fat little rabbit at the park. Unfortunately, it is more dangerous than it sounds. The player must repeatedly put marshmallows in his mouth while saying “chubby bunny” without spitting out any marshmallows. The player that has the most marshmallows in his mouth wins. Several years ago a girl named Casey Fish died from choking on a marshmallow in her classroom while playing Chubby Bunny. Her dad, like Matthew Rader’s mother, has tried his best to alert people about the dangers of this game. Interestingly, it may have originated from a 1959 Peanuts comic where Snoopy fits thirty-three marshmallows in his mouth.
The Ghost Pepper Challenge
Most people know that the ghost pepper is one of the spiciest peppers in the world. Eating too many ghost peppers is deadly. Just reading the name of the challenge gives a pretty good idea of what’s asked of the participant – eating a ghost pepper. It’s a very unpleasant experience to eat a pepper four hundred times hotter than Tabasco sauce. You could have serious stomach pains, hyperventilation and wind up in the hospital from eating something so spicy.
The Choking Challenge
The choking challenge has been around for a long time and deserves to be on this list due to the number of people who’ve lost their lives.There have been many deaths from kids choking themselves or having someone choke them. It’s become so deadly that organizations wrote an article informing parents how to protect their children from this game. This challenge is responsible for 82 deaths between 1995 and 2007. Use your brain people. Don’t be idiots.