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Nooooo! How could winter vacation be over already! My precious free time, gone. My beauty sleep, gone. My two-week-long appointment with the couch, gone. When did this happen? How did my break just slip through my fingers? Let’s take this time to recall the unforgettable components of this deceased break.
Sleep: Oh sleep… How I already miss it so dearly. Just falling asleep at midnight and waking up at noon made me the happiest girl in the world. Sure, I woke up pretty drowsy, but a few cups of orange juice fixed that right up.
Food: I regret not taking advantage of the time I had to cook or pick up some good meals. Since I woke up pretty late, I only had two meals a day. I tried to make those two meals as great a possible, but why wait 3 hours to eat an expensive meal at Lucille’s when you can get a fulfilling $10 meal at Hot Dog on a Stick in just 5 minutes?
Family Time: Winter break is all about getting together with the rest of the family and having intellectual conversations (as my dad always says), right? Well, every break we would end up doing our own separate things and barely making eye contact. But this time, things were different – all because of a mini ping-pong table. Everyone in my family is very competitive. So, when my parents brought home a tiny ping-pong set, we naturally competed against each other every night to win as many ping-pong matches as we could and to claim the championship title! That’s one way to spend family time.
Trips: Oh, how I wish I could say that I was able to travel across the world and go through many new experiences, but sadly, the farthest I got was Target. I can’t complain, though, because the reason we couldn’t travel is that my whole family was sick. For my family, every winter break seems to set off some kind of invitation that tells cold viruses to attack us. As a result, I was not surprised when my whole family caught a cold, one family member at a time.
Let’s look on the bright side. Although winter break is gone, there’s no use moping around. So, “goodbye, winter break” and “hello, spring break!”