Last year's E3 Fun Run participants take off from the starting line.
The E3 Foundation is an organization that has its annual Fun Run each year. This year’s Fun Run is their 11th annual 2k/5k run. Mrs. Lyon, Day Creek’s Principal, is the Committee Chair for the Fun Run, which means she organizes the event. She absolutely loves running, but she never thought she would actually organize something like this.
“I’ve always loved running, so I hadn’t really thought that they’d ever say, Hey why don’t you organize this? Because running is way different than organizing an event, but when they asked me, of course I said, Yes,” Lyon said.
The E3 Foundation is made up of community members, parents, educators and administrators. On their website, it says that their goal is to be “a financial and community resource for all schools in the Etiwanda School District.” E3 would like participants and members of the community to help them enhance children’s learning experiences in Etiwanda schools. Students and teachers are given more learning opportunities each year through the funding provided by donations given through the Fun Run.
“All the money gets equally distributed in our district. It does make it a little more fun for us because [Day Creek has] the highest participation because I think everybody has been so supportive. The teachers got a bunch of people together and we had 120 participants out of 600 [who ran the race last year], ” Lyon
Mrs. Lyon has participated in eight of the runs and has only missed two. She will be looking forward to organizing this event for the next couple of years before she passes on the duty of Committee Chair. Day Creek’s assistant principal, Mr. Apodaca, is hoping for a time of 21 minutes to represent Day Creek well. He certainly knows that failure is not an option. Mrs. Lyon hopes to see all of her students there!
For online registration for the 2016 E3 Fun Run go to http://www.active.com/rancho-cucamonga-ca/running/distance-running-races/11th-annual-e3-family-2k-5k-fun-run-walk-2016?int=#js-map. For more information about the Fun Run go to http://www.e3foundation.org/fun-run.