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Ahhh, summer. No teachers. No homework. No grades to worry about. Just time to relax and hang out with friends and family. I have the opportunity to go to the beach, the park, the movies and just chill with my friends because I finally have free time to just be a kid.
Then school returns.
Once again, I’ll get stressed out because of teachers, homework and grades. And then I’ll stay up till 11:00 trying to get that IXL up to a 90 percent, when I darn well knew to stop at 90 because I’ll definitely miss one and will be up till midnight trying to get back up to that 90%. According to experts pre-teens need about 10 to 11 hours of sleep. So, if I go to bed at 11, wake up at 7 because school starts at 8…I am going to be half asleep for the entire day of school. And let’s not forget about after school activities that go hours after school each day. And of course, after I finish homework, I have to study for a quiz or a test.
Oh. My. Goodness. It’s not easy being a kid.
So let’s be grateful for summer. Let’s be glad that we have 75 summer days to breathe.