What is the Color Rally?
The Color Rally is a competition that takes place every year the day before spring break. This tournament is between Day Creek Intermediate School’s P.E. classes. The rally has been a tradition for the past 5 years at D.C.I.S.
Every P.E. teacher has a different theme. Each class dresses according to a teacher’s color: green for Henry, yellow for Nemecek, red for Rose, and blue for O. Some students go insane and dress in crazy clothes. Some even get their face painted. The themes for the rally this year were Cruella DeRose, Captain “O”merica, Knarly Shore Nemecek, and Sgt. Henbo for Mr. Henry.
In this year’s Color Rally, Mrs. Rose allowed two separate groups of people to choreograph a dance routine to perform at the rally. They allowed a group of girls from 8th grade to perform a cheer routine. They also let a group of 7th grade boys perform a dance routine. The dancers made adjustments to their schedules so they could practice their routines.
“We had participated in the Color Rally last year and it was a lot of fun, so we decided to participate this year since it is our last year. We practiced every Friday at Day Creek Park and every day at lunch in the gym,” said Brooke D.
When asked if they would participate next year, Ryan M. and Caden B. said they would. “It was fun so [we will participate next year] so we can perform a different dance,”
Each P.E. teacher chose a couple of students from their class to compete in several different competitions . The winner of the sixth grade Rally was Mrs. Rose. Then in the seventh and eighth grade rallies, Mr. Henry won.
“I start to feel bad for the other classes; it brings a tear to my eye to see the other classes lose,” said Mr. Henry sarcastically.
Rumors have spread back and forth about Mr. Henry cheating and messing with the score, explaining why he always wins.
“Do I cheat? No….sore losers,” said Mr. Henry. His appearance seemed rather suspicious, as he answered with his sunglasses on.
Many students seemed to have enjoyed themselves at the 2016 Color Rally.
“It was amazing because it was loud, exciting and happy,” said Amber R.
All in all, the Color Rally was a fun and exciting way to start off spring break.