Jimmy X.
The 2D game modes on Gimkit.
I was sitting in class playing Gimkit and decided to rate some popular game modes. Enjoy!
This game mode has a number of different levels from “easy” to “gimpossible.” It requires strategy and coordination in order to complete. This mode was fun for ~5 rounds, but over time it got really boring and repetitive. Also, the new role (mastermind) takes way too long to earn. The Howl rated this mode with an 8/10.
With a large number of players, this pvp (player vs. player) mode was pretty fun. But with only a few participants, the game got really boring. There were no boosts and nothing to make the game stand out. The Howl rated this mode with a 6/10.
Capture the flag
After playing for ~10 minutes, the game got really boring. There are only a limited number of power ups, and it’s no fun to simply get a flag while doing nothing else. The Howl rated this mode a 5/10.
We honestly didn’t know what the purpose of this game was. After getting the “gimfish,” there was no point in playing anymore. Also, there was no competition in the game. After players get about $1000 and go into “Lucky Lake,” everybody becomes millionaires. The Howl rated this mode a 7/10.
Don’t Look Down
This is a classic Gimkit mode with the goal of reaching the top without falling down, similar to an old-school game involving Mario. This mode requires good timing and skill to complete. We thought it was amusing and rated it a 10/10.
This game mode reminded us of the hit Nintendo game “Super Smash Bros.” It has an entertaining concept and brings the competitive spirit in players. The Howl rated this mode a 9/10.
One Way Out
The Howl appreciated that the game required teamwork and know-how, but we could never get to “the final boss.” While completing the game without any challenges was boring, we appreciated its creativity and were amused to watch characters kick the bucket. The Howl rated this mode a 7/10.
Dig It Up
This game took a little bit long to complete, but it was fun to play. The creativity and graphics make the game popular for players who aim to mine the whole map. The Howl rated this mode a 9/10.
Color Clash
Similar to Snowbrawl, the best experience comes with a large group of players. The Howl rated this mode a This latest mode is entertaining to play and shows just how fun 9/10.
With all the Gimkit prep, the Howl is sure you have some thoughts of your own. Feel free to comment below about your favorite game mode.