Julia B.
Two Day Creek Coyotes playing basketball on campus.
On November 6-7, basketball players across Day Creek’s campus worked hard to fill girls’ and boys’ school teams that hadn’t competed district-wide in over 12 years.
“I’m excited for the new team [because] they had two days of tryouts and we picked the top 13,” said Mr. Nemecek.
Students are playing basketball across the hardcourts throughout the day and buying fancy shoes to show their love of this upcoming intermural sport.
“I’m going to the park and taking private classes to get better. At skills classes, I practice dribbling and shooting for one hour,” said Michael T.
While some players on campus are preparing for the competitive challenge, others know their chances are relatively slim.
“I know that I’m probably not going to make the team, but I still tried because I think basketball is fun,” said Jimmy X.
Still others students have exited because of time commitments with other teams.
“The school team interferes with my travel ball team. I feel like I’m going to make the team, but I don’t want to get injured when trying out. The team will cut into my practice with my own travel ball team, and I feel like that is more important. I looked at the practice times, they play right before my practices in my travel ball team. I don’t want to have to go to two practices,” said Gavin M.
After spending time training at home and on campus, some students will feel the disappointment of missing out of the experience. Other students are more persistent and hope to make the team next year if a spot isn’t open this season.
“If I don’t make the team I will just get better and tryout for next year. I think that I will get in next year if not this year,” said Michael T.
The Howl is looking forward to some court success this year. Good luck Coyotes!